Attribute Splitter#

Splits task’s attribute value into chunks of “chunk size” elements.

All created tasks are splits of the original task, so they need to be split-awaited later

Split concept is one of the core Lifeblood’s task concepts.

It List more works ONLY on array/list attributes.


that task wil ALWAYS be splitted, even if just in 1 piece

For ex. attribute “something” of value [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 , 11, 12, 13] with chunk size of 4 will split task into 3 tasks with attributes “something” equals to:

  • [3, 4, 5, 6]

  • [7, 8, 9, 10]

  • [11, 12, 13]




Split mode:

  • list

    Will take the value of given attribute and if it is a list - split it into chunks of given size and create a task for each chunk. Each new task will have the value of the given attribute to be set to one of the chunks.

    So splitting a task with attr that has value [1, 2, 3, 4, "five", 6.6] with chunk size 3 will result in a split into 3 tasks with the value of attr being [1, 2], [3, 4] and ["five", 6.6] respectively.

  • range

    Given float or int range start, end and increment will split this range into either given number of chunks, or some number of chunks with given number of elements

    For example, splitting range with start=15, end=29, increment=3 and number of chunks 4 will result in incoming task being split into 4 tasks with values of given attributes out start name, out end name or out size name being set to (15, 21, 2), (21, 24, 1), (24, 27, 1) and (27, 29, 1) respectively

Attribute To Split:

In List mode - the name of the attribute to split and set on split tasks

Chunk Size:

Size of the chunks to split list/range into

Range Mode:

For range mode - type of range to output to splitted tasks

  • start-end - set starting and ending elements

  • start-size - set starting element and the number of elements

  • start-end-size - set starting element and both end element and the number of elements


For range mode - start of the range to be split


For range mode - end of the range to be split


For range mode - increment of the range to be split

Split By:

How to split given list/range

  • chunk size

    Split by the desired number of elements in a single chunk

  • number of chunks

    Split by desired number of chunks

Chunk Size:

Desired number of elements in each chunk

Chunks Count:

Desired number of chunks


For range mode - type of output range

Output Range Start Attribute Name:

For range mode - name of the attribute to set on split tasks that holds the starting number of the range

Output Range End Attribute Name:

For range mode - name of the attribute to set on split tasks that holds the ending number of the range

Output Range Size Attribute Name:

For range mode - name of the attribute to set on split tasks that holds the number of elements in the range

Attributes Set#

In List mode attribute named as the value of Attribute To Split parameter is set

In Range mode - attributes named as the values of Output Range Start Attribute Name, Output Range End Attribute Name and Output Range Size Attribute Name are set