.. _nodes/stock/houdini/hip_driver_renderer: =================== Hip Driver Renderer =================== Given a hip file and path to a ROP node inside it - this node will render that ROP node for the frame range defined by ``frames`` attribute. For each frame it will produce a child task if second input is connected at the time of the processing. Parameters ========== :Hip Path: Path to the hip file to render :Mask As Different Hip: It is possible to open one hip, but make it look for all expressions inside like it's a different hip file. This can be useful if actual hip file is relocated, but it's contents expects it to be in a different place, for example when a hip file is copied when submitted to a farm manager. :mask hip path: Hip file path to mask as. This path does not have to exist :Rop Node Path: Path to the ROP(driver) node to render inside the hip file :ignore rop inputs: If True - inputs plugged into the givern Rop Node will be ignored. This is usually the desirable behaviour :Set These Attribs As Context: Task attributes that match this mask will be set as Context Attributes in houdini session :Render Whole Range (needed for alembics): Instead of rendering frame by frame, the whole frame range will be rendered with a single .render() call. Alembics require this to be set. :Skip If Result Already Exists: Skip rendering if expected output already exists :Generate Children For Skipped: If set, children tasks will still be generated for skipped frames. This is usually the desired behaviour :Override Output Path: If set - allows overriding output path for the rop node. :Use Specific Parameter Name For Output: If set - allows overriding the name of the parameter on houdini node that contains output path. :Attributes To Copy To Children: Task attributes that match this mask will be copied to children tasks :Detail Attributes To Extract: Geometry detail attributes that match this mask will be copied back to the Lifeblood task :Detail Intrinsics To Extract: Geometry detail intrinsic attributes that match this mask will be copied back to the Lifeblood task Attributes Set ============== These attributes are set on **children** tasks :hipfile: Is set to the hip file path that was processed :file: Is set to Rop Node's output path for the generated file Devices ======= This node understands the following device types: .. include:: ./common_devices.rst