.. _scheduler configs: ================ Scheduler Config ================ All scheduler-related configuration files are located in :ref:`config-dir` ``/scheduler`` All configuration files we are going to mention below are located there (unles explicitly stated otherwise) Main Configuration file ======================= The main configuration file used by Scheduler is config.toml As it implies, configuration uses `toml language `_, which should be a bit more user-friendly than yaml. When you first start the Scheduler - it will generate a default configuration file. That file contains some general sections with commented example settings that could be changed This file covers things like what network interfaces/ports to use, default database file and some of it's configuration the default config will look something like this: :: [core] ## you can uncomment stuff below to specify some static values ## # server_ip = "" # server_port =1384 # ui_ip = "" # ui_port = 1385 ## you can turn off scheduler broadcasting if you want to manually configure viewer and workers to connect ## to a specific address # broadcast = false [scheduler] [scheduler.database] ## you can specify default database path, ## but this can be overriden with command line argument --db-path # path = "/path/to/database.db" ## uncomment line below to store task logs outside of the database ## it works in a way that all NEW logs will be saved according to settings below ## existing logs will be kept where they are ## external logs will ALWAYS be looked for in location specified by store_logs_externally_location ## so if you have ANY logs saved externally - you must keep store_logs_externally_location defined in the config, ## or those logs will be inaccessible ## but you can safely move logs and change location in config accordingly, but be sure scheduler is not accessing them at that time # store_logs_externally = true # store_logs_externally_location = /path/to/dir/where/to/store/logs nodes ===== This folder contains node type specific configurations .. _custom node type configuration: custom node type configuration ------------------------------ File ``nodes/config.toml`` is a `toml `_ config file that can contain any arbitrary values belonging to any node type. The format of this config is the following: every section name represents a node type name, and every key within that section - is a gettable key from `config` object in parameter expressions (see :ref:`parameter expressions`) for example: :: [matrixnotifier] token = 'longstrongtoken' room = '!roomname:myserver.org' or (which is the equivalent accordint to toml) :: matrixnotifier.token = 'longstrongtoken' matrixnotifier.room = '!roomname:myserver.org' now only in a node of type "matrixnotifier" a parameter expression can use ``config['room']`` to get the value ``'!roomname:myserver.org'`` This is very convenient in combination with `custom default parameter values`_ Custom default parameter values ------------------------------- File ``nodes/defaults.toml`` is a `toml `_ config file that can contain default ref:`node settings` names This file contains simple key-value pairs, where key is a node type name, and value is the name of a named ref:`node settings` for this node type. The specified node settings will be applied on node creation (on scheduler's side, not on viewer's side)